Challenges Abroad Australia Pty. Ltd (Challenges Abroad Australia) – Social Media Policy

At Challenges Abroad Australia we believe in open communication and encourage a diversity of perspectives with people telling the world about their work and share their passion through any form of social media. In promoting this Challenges Abroad Australia acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard individuals against misleading representations and the upholding of individuals’ rights to privacy and to be anonymous.

Challenges Abroad Australia has zero tolerance for exploitation, racism, bigotry, misogyny, expressed or implied threats of harassment or promotion of speech that is derogatory towards others.

This policy refers to any external communication (written, visual, audio) using social media and mass communication platforms. Ensuring a high commitment to protection, safeguarding, and the privacy of children, vulnerable adults, individuals and beings engaged and supported by Challenges Abroad Australia. 

Who this policy applies to
This policy applies to all ‘representatives and individuals engaged with Challenges Abroad Australia. This includes any person representing Challenges Abroad Australia, including but not limited to: to all staff, interns, project participants, contractors, consultants, trustees, advisors, visitors, and partner organisations.

All representatives and individuals engaged with Challenges Abroad Australia are all required to read, understand, and adhere to this policy and must sign a Code of Conduct or contract formally acknowledging it. Anyone witnessing policy violations is required to report this in line with our safeguarding and whistleblowing policies.

Policy aim
The aim of this policy is to:
• Ensure the protection, safeguarding and privacy of all children, vulnerable adults and individuals engaged by Challenges Abroad Australia. 
• Ensure the protection and promotion of safeguarding and ethical behavior towards all humans and animals.
• To provide clear social media guidelines and boundaries in relation to private accounts and social media interactions.
• To ensure all Challenges Abroad Australia representatives are capturing and are sharing media content in line with organisational principles and safeguarding standards.

What we do to implement this policy
1. We hold all accountable for ensuring strong Safeguarding practices, by:
• Ensuring everyone engaged with our programs are aware of our policies, their rights and responsibilities, and acknowledge our responsibility to ensure our partners uphold this standard.
• Ensuring all Challenges Abroad Australia representatives recognise their personal responsibility for the accuracy, legal standing, and consequences (intentional or otherwise) of what is shared on social media.
• Encouraging all project participants to not engage in photo taking but instead letting the core team share approved and appropriate content with them from projects they have been involved with.
• Requiring that care must be taken when interviewing a child to ensure a safe
environment for the child. No leading questions shall be asked or promises of rewards in exchange for the interview shall be made.
• Prohibiting all Challenges Abroad Australia representatives from connecting with children or vulnerable adults on any social media platforms unless for educational purposes and supervised and/or approved by a safeguarding lead.
2. We seek consent, by:
• Requiring that all children and their appointed guardians/caregivers must be asked for permission before taking photos of a child or engaging them in an interview with, except in exceptional circumstances
• Respecting copyright laws – if it’s not yours and you do not have consent from the
owner, then don’t use it.
3. We screen content, by:
• Ensuring that no photos, videos, or other content presents children in a vulnerable or submissive manner.
• Requiring that all content must be screened, with any content breaching minimum
standard being destroyed immediately.
• Requiring that children and vulnerable adults must be adequately clothed and not in poses that could be seen as sexually suggestive.
• Fact checking and disallowing content from being taken out of context, edited, or
translated in a misleading manner.
4. We share responsibly, by
• Requiring that children and their appointed guardians/caregivers must be asked for
permission before any content or photographs of a child are used publicly. When
asking for consent to use the image, details shall be given as to how the content will
be used.
• Ensuring that there shall be no identifying information of a child or vulnerable adult
featured in the content in external communication or social media to ensure they cannot be identified or traced. This includes names, exact locations or other information that could identify the individual.
• Ensuring all content aligns with our values, ethos and model.
• Requiring that all Challenges Abroad Australia representatives behave in accordance with all
Challenges Abroad Australia policies in any external and social media communication. Including communication made as a private individual.
• Requiring that all Challenges Abroad Australia representatives maintain professional standards of language and etiquette when using social media.
• Requiring that all Challenges Abroad Australia representatives respect multi-national and multi-ethnic audiences and show proper consideration for others privacy and the potential impact of their message.
• Requiring Individuals that have access to sensitive or confidential information to
maintain its confidentiality and not share it in external communication or on social


Challenges Abroad Australia commits to periodically reviewing this policy to ensure the protection, safeguarding and privacy of all children, vulnerable adults and individuals engaged by Challenges Abroad Australia. Challenges Abroad Australia shall take into consideration: changes in legislation, legal advice as necessary, and any other requirements to which the company subscribes, to ensure the adequacy, suitability, and continuing effectiveness of this policy.


Signed: Arvind Malhotra
Position: Director
Challenges Abroad Australia Pty Ltd.